Last Good Quote: Son's are the seasoning on our lives. - Someone on Facebook

Wednesday, July 25

Creating AI - Who Knows

In the last article I talked about a program that would learn like a new born baby. This article may or may not make sense if you have not read the last one.

For a new born baby life consists of inputs, actions and expectations. I have already discussed inputs. I would like to discuss actions and expectations.

The actions that a new born can take are fairly limited. It can cry, coo, sleep and poop. Breaking those into generalities; a baby gives negative and positive feedback, recharges and discharges.

SideBar: For the sake of my sanity we will leave pooping and discharging out of the rest of this conversation. (Let's act older then 6 here boys and girls)
Our "Baby Program" has the ability to give negative feedback, *waaa*, and positive feedback, *coo*, so far so good. Now comes the hard part deciding when to do what.

When does a new born make it's first choice? When it first realizes it's hungry of course. The baby's belly begins to hurt and then he needs to do something about it.

You could say that the baby is driven to want to be feed. And he is driven by the pain he feels.

Our "Baby" program has no built in wants. In addition to this is has no built in pains either. I believe we need to implement some more rules.

Our program will have one want, it wants to learn how to do things it has not done before. When it is not learning anything new it suffers from pain.

How will we implement this?

Rule: When there is no input, take an action (output) that you have no expectation for and perform it.

Rule: All actions (outputs) will have a reaction (input) associated with them.

Rule: Each time an reaction (input) is added to a reaction relationship it should strengthened that relationship.

Rule: Different inputs to the same outputs get linked as things that are alike.

Doing this will allow the program to learn or gain an expectation from an action. As a side rule we should note that if the program takes an action and gets no immediate input from the action, that is not saved as a reaction.

An Example Interaction:
> Baby: *waaa*
  • Baby wants to learn something new, this is an action that he does not have an expectation for.
> User: What's wrong?
  • At this point, the Baby adds saying "What's wrong?" to it's action list
  • It also links "What's wrong" as a reaction to *waaa* with a strength of 0
> Baby: *cooo*
  • Baby wants to learn something new, this is an action that he does not have an expectation for.
> User: Oh you like me, huh
  • At this point, the Baby adds saying "Oh you like me, huh" to it's action list
  • It also links "Oh you like me, huh" as an reaction to *cooo* with a strength of 0
So a million conversations go by....Baby never gets any relationship with a strength above 0 until one day someone repeats some thing that the Baby has heard before.

>Baby: Yo, how you doing?

> User: Oh you like me, huh
  • Baby adds one to the relationship "*cooo*" -> "Oh you like me, huh"
Well I seemed to have gotten myself lost...maybe I will try this again soon.

Feel free to comment and help me out.


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