Let’s talk Memory,
A Brain is going to have to recall things, store numbers, understand relationships and all sorts of stuff that deal with “recall”. This is where the memory module will come into play.
Memory will consists of 4 pieces. All parts of the memory are available to the Brain and the Evaluators. Memory is not available to sensors and or motors.
Short Term Memory
Short term memory is for swift, context based data. It will consist of a Sensor ID, the data, a timestamp, and number of times accessed counter. At first this will be a straight copy of the sensor stack. However it will change over time. The number of items/rows in short term memory will be dictated by the amount of time it takes to search it and retrieve a specific piece of data. For example, if a query against short term memory takes longer than 100 milliseconds, the memory handler will move the 10 least accessed memories to long term memory.
Long Term Memory
Long term memory will look just like short term memory. Sensor ID, data and timestamp for when it came in. However Long term memory will have a different requirement, when searching long term memory takes more than 10,000 milliseconds, delete 10 of the least access memories.
Note: This means that the Ai’s memory will only be as good as it’s architecture. The faster the searching the more memory that the Ai can have in it’s short term memory.
Action Memory
Action memory records the chain of events that occurred from the data coming in to the motor response. It’s purpose is to help the Ai choose which evaluator to send sensor data to.
Every time the Brain sends data to an Evaluator it will check to see if the sensor and evaluator exists in the Action memory:
If it does not the Brain will insert a new row
If it does, the Brain will increment the number of attempts
When an Evaluator receives data, during its processing it will:
- Increment the understood column for all rows where the same sensor and evaluator are specified
- If a row does not exist for the motor used, the evaluator will insert a new row with that motor in it.
The success rate is simply a calculation of attempts/understood.
Technical Note: The Action Memory table is not normalized (its flattened), this is intentional as the inserts will be few a frequent while the seeks or queries will be much greater. Thus this table needs to support quicker seeks. I will attempt to explain further later.
Memory Data
For storing variable or relationships or even more complex “thoughts” there is data memory. It’s just a key, data paring. Which seems too simple. However, I think it would be the responsibility of the Evaluator to make sense of the “dirty” nature of the memory. I must admit that there is most likely a better solution. However keep in mind that this memory bank has to server a variety of functions and Evaluators.
So all of this gives us the memory and storage of data. I would expect that storing this and accessing this would take up about 90% of the storage and processing capacity of our Ai brain.
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