Wednesday, March 10
Artificial Intelligence - Sensors
So without senses we, humans, would not be able to function. Much less be considered “intelligent”.
In the same fashion our Ai needs a way to sense changes in it’s environment.
Think of a sensor, as a program that sits outside of the Ai brain. They monitor the environment and then pass data from those changes to the brain. So, the Ai will have a number of these sensors that will monitor the environment. T
How it works:
Step 1: Some change takes place within the environment of the Ai. For Example: A text box has “Hi” typed into it.
Step 2: The sensor detects the change and gathers the data. For Example: “Hi” is saved as data
Step 3: The sensor sends the data into the Ai. This is where the data crosses into the Ai’s brain.
Step 4: The Ai, takes the raw data and the sensor ID and puts in on the bottom of the sensor stack. The sensor stack is a “list”/stack of data which the Ai has done nothing with yet.
Some Points to Ponder:
Sensor ID: Each sensor must have a unique identifier. This is essential for the Ai as it will learn to do different things with this sensor’s data. Now just because the sensor ID is constant does not mean the sensor has to watch the same point in the environment. In the above example, the sensor could go from textbox to textbox taking in the data.
Sensor Stack: The sensor stack has all data points from the sensors which the Ai has not processed yet. This is critical as the Ai may let data stack up till it all make sense to it.
The next post will discuss how the Ai will use the stack to decide on actions.
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